SUPERFLOCC products are made from ultra fine natural gypsum powder. The solution grade and aerial grade gypsum products are suitable for industrial, agricultural cropping and civil applications. The ground gypsum can be mixed with water and applied via irrigation systems (flood, drip), spread aerially, or added to dams for flocculation (to reduce water turbidity) and many other applications.
GYP-FLO – is SuperFlocc gypsum in a pre-mixed liquid form, where the gypsum remains in suspension ready for use (aka EzyFlow gypsum)
TRIPLE STRIKE ALGAE CONTROL – is a concentrated liquid suspension for the treatment of Algae, and works well with our SuperFlocc Gypsum product for water flocculation at the same time. TRIPLE-STRIKE has a unique 3 – way action, by coagulating and flocculating the Algae to the bottom forming a blanket over the Algae and inhibiting any new growth.
Flocc Blocks – We can also supply the SuperFlocc gypsum in block form, the Dam Clear Flocc blocks can be placed in drainage channels upstream, where they slowly release the gypsum to flocculate the water when there are inflows.
Gyptek Fertiliser – a carbon / manure based granular fertiliser blended micronised gypsum
Product Qualities
- The solubility and effectiveness of gypsum as a flocculant is based on purity and particle size. REGYP’s solution grade and aerial grade gypsum products are made from natural high purity gypsum with a particle size distribution designed for easy dissolution in both irrigation & pumping systems.
- The products are quick acting flocculants & soil ameliorators for dissolution in water and displacement of sodium in the soil, giving a readily available calcium & sulphur source.
- This means SuperFlocc gypsum goes into solution quicker to provide fast action for settling clay in turbid dams and providing crops with calcium and sulphur.