REGYP has access to a Veris Mapping Trailer.

The mapping trailer measures  pH, EC, OM, topology and we can tailor the mapping grids to match budgets and crop value.

Veris and Precision Agriculture Australia reckon on the first variable rate application of Ag Lime after mapping a paddock you can save 20-30% on lime. So depending on your spread cost for Ag lime, this savings could cover the initial mapping cost, plus the gain of improved productivity. On top of these initial benefits you also have a long term map/data asset to build with overlays of future yield mapping and aerial or satellite mapping etc.

The trailer mapping will assist in targeting areas to undertake detailed soil tests to provide a good understanding of each paddock without the need for more detailed and expensive grid soil sampling techniques.

The Veris FieldFusion software generates variable rate maps for products such as lime, gypsum and manures and these maps can be transferred into spreaders like our AgriSpread spreader to deliver accurate variable rate applications.

Please follow link to the soil mapping brochure.