The use of gypsum(1) as a soil amendment and fertiliser has been well documented for over 200 years. Historically, gypsum has been spread over the ground using mechanical or manual methods. Depending on the situation, this relatively coarse gypsum has often been incorporated into the soil to hasten its effect. Unfortunately, in many cases gypsum particles can still be identified many years after spreading took place. The particle size directly affects the degree to which gypsum becomes available in the soil.
In reality, conventional ground spread gypsum only enters the soil solution over a prolonged period of time; hence only a small percentage is available at any given time. Similarly, in a minimum till operation the opportunity to work gypsum into the soil profile is not available – further reducing the effectiveness of the application.
Fine milled gypsum from Central Milling now offers a high performance alternative to conventional techniques and practices. Gypsum can now be applied in a form that ensures 100% of the gypsum is available. This form of gypsum can be applied via existing irrigation systems and/or applied as a slurry via airplane.
In the case of water run application the calcium and sulphate components of gypsum become immediately available as they are present in a soluble form. Application of gypsum can be tailored for soil and water conditions and plant growth stage.
For dryland use, fine milled gypsum from can be applied as a slurry. Application from the air ensures an extremely accurate coverage with no dust. The water acts as a carrier and ‘sticks’ the slurried gypsum to the ground until such time as moisture incorporates it into the soil solution. Wind cannot blow the gypsum away and it becomes fully available after the first rain or irrigation.
1 Gypsum – calcium sulphate di-hydrate (CaSO4.2H2O). Commonly known as calcium sulphate.
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