Gypsum has many uses in industry, agriculture and it can also assist in the treatment of irrigation water for operations such as the coal seam gas extraction.
During Coal Seam Methane a large volume of brackish water is brought to the surface. This water needs to be treated to remove most of the salt before it can be used for irrigation purposes. The resultant permeate water has a high Sodium Adsorption Ratio (SAR) due to its low levels of calcium and magnesium. SAR adjustment is required before the water can be beneficially used for irrigation and related activities.
Water high in sodium (SAR above 6.0) can be modified through the addition of Gypsum (high in calcium), either through the irrigation water or by direct application to the soil.
REGYP and its partner companies can not only supply solution grade gypsum suitable for this process but can also supply and install suitable equipment to treat the water on the back end of a coal seam gas operation.
Aside from coal seem gas application, irrigation water that is very low in total salts can also be a problem because its low infiltration rate produces more run-off under the emitters. This is due to the high surface tension of low-salinity water, such as snow melt. The addition of any salt will tend to reduce this surface tension and increase water infiltration rates. Gypsum is a very common choice for this application.
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