40mm Compost for Rehabilitation Works
The 40mm compost (AKA 40mm Pasteurised Garden Organics) is a coarse compost product made for mine site rehab works and civil project site rehab works.
Consisting of composted green waste that is composted, shredded and screened before sale.
This product is made to the EPA Waste Order but not to AS4545.
The 40mm composted soil improver is fit for purpose and is competitively priced.
REGYP has finer grades of compost from 20mm compost, 8mm compost, right down to finely screened cotton seed compost for sports field applications.
Sydney Compost products
Bathurst Compost Products
Cowra Compost Products
Tumbulgum Compost Products
Brisbane Compost Products
Ipswich Compost Products