To calculate the fertiliser application rate required for a particular
nutrient application rate, use the formula:

Fertiliser Calculation

ReGyp screened gypsum products contain approximately 17% of sulphur (S).
Application Rate x % Sulphur = Sulphur application rate (kg/ha)
Sulphur Kg/ha = 1000 kg/ha x 17 = 170 kg/ha

Fertiliser Calculation

ReGyp screened gypsum products contain approximately 17% of sulphur (S). Thus, 1 tonne of this gypsum contains 170 kg of sulphur. Using the formula and assuming the cost per tonne of gypsum is $70 per tonne spread, we can calculate the cost of 1 kg of sulphur in this gypsum.

Cost $ per tonne / Amount of sulphur in 1 tonne of gypsum = Cost of 1kg of S ($/kg)
Calculation = $60/170 = $0.35/kg of sulphur (S)

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