The Reducing Waste: Implementation Strategy 2011-2015 was developed following a comprehensive review of waste strategy and policy in NSW, chaired by Mr David Richmond AO, and the release of a draft Strategy for consultation in December 2010.

Key initiatives include:

• the development with local government of best practice waste collection services (using a 3-bin system) to be applied across urban and major regional centres NSW;

• establishing expert panels to provide DECCW with independent advice on complex resource recovery by 1 July 2011;

• establishing a regular high level forum with government, industry, local government and environment groups to review and optimise waste policy and program settings;

• encouraging large businesses to establish onsite separation and recovery systems;

• improving planning controls to improve waste facilities in developments;

• improving source separation and collection of waste from commercial and retail premises, by assisting local government in this task and implementing best collection systems;

• extending kerbside recycling collections to small businesses in residential areas;

• strongly pursuing extended producer responsibility programs for key problem wastes at a national level as is being proposed for e-waste;

• reducing litter and combating illegal dumping by implementing a new litter education campaign and conducting high profile waste regulation enforcement campaigns;

• refocussing existing waste spending to enhance waste infrastructure including the expansion of local collection centres and subsidising problem waste removal;