
QLD Waste Shambles

November 29th, 2016|

REGYP commissioned a brief study on waste recycling in Southeast Queensland (SE QLD) in early 2016 to ascertain what recycling was being carried out by local facilities. The findings were damning of the current SE QLD

Manure Spreading

November 3rd, 2016|

After a wet 2016 winter it is finally dry enough to get some spreading out of the way.

Sculptural Plaster

October 14th, 2016|

REGYP recycles 40 tonne of sculpture plaster pieces that were used at the Sydney Botanical gardens.

New Warrior Screen

September 14th, 2016|

To assist with contract screen hire, we have added a Warrior 1400 reclaimer to the screener fleet. With its metal Apron plate feeder and heavy duty plate top deck it is ready for work on

Ag-Quip 2016

August 15th, 2016|

REGYP is are located at site I34 for the 2016 Ag-Quip in Gunnedah. Please come and visit us for a chat and learn about our new products.


July 21st, 2016|

Humates, which are composed of various forms of carbon, are naturally occurring material that is very rich in humified organic matter and humic substances. Humates are now recognised as one of the single most productive

Canberra Recycling

May 1st, 2016|

REGYP offers competitive recycling services to the Canberra area for plasterboard waste. Through our relationships we have various sites where you can dispose of clean plasterboard waste for recycling, saving you money. The waste

Screened Cow Manure

April 22nd, 2016|

Organic cow manure, high quality screened product available in bulk deliveries in NSW and QLD. When added or blended with soil a Screened Composted Feedlot Manure can: • Increase organic matter levels • Reduce soil

Rugby Sponsorship 2016

April 6th, 2016|

REGYP wishes the following rugby clubs all the best for the 2016 season: Cowra Eagles Dalby Wheatmen Currumbin Alleygators

Sunshine Coast Recycling

April 1st, 2016|

REGYP offers competitive recycling services to the Sunshine Coast area for plasterboard waste. Through our relationships we have various sites where you can dispose of clean plasterboard waste for recycling, saving you money. The waste is

Pelletised Chicken Manure

March 22nd, 2016|

REGYP now offers - Pelletised Chicken Manure ontop of the regular chicken and cow manure products. This high quality product is a made from a blend of chicken manure, blood & bone, potash, phosphate rock and

Humates Application Rates

February 16th, 2016|

Application rates for fine Lignite coal on agricultural land (aka Leonardite or Brown coal fines) - General rates around 500 to 1000kg/ha Leonardite is an organic matter associated with lignite that has not yet completed

Chicken Manure

February 15th, 2016|

REGYP sells high quality chicken manure from layer operations. This manure is great for a natural nitrogen addition with some added carbon and trace elements. We also blend the chicken manure with compost, gypsum and phosphate

Plasterboard Pack Rough Weights

January 22nd, 2016|

Rough Plasterboard Pack Weights to be used to assist loading trailers only. Please use OEM data, truck scales and weighbridge to check your payload during and after loading to ensure you meet your legal

BBP Strip Out Waste Guidelines

December 21st, 2015|

Better Building Partnerships Strip Out Waste Guidelines in Consultation Waste Guidelines Link The Better Buildings Partnership has developed the BBP Strip Out Waste Guidelines to assist tenants, building owners and demolition contractors in the procurement

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