regyp_map_iconSUPER AG SILICA

Silica plays a significant role in improving yields in a wide range of crops by increasing resistance to stress, strength and enhancing growth. Plants take up silicon into their root and shoot tissue, but it is not returned through biodegradation.

Silica is another word for Silicon and, in plants, it is present in amounts equivalent to, or higher than, elements like Calcium, Magnesium or Phosphorus. Recent experiments show that plants deprived of Silica are structurally weaker, more prone to pest and disease attack, and are more susceptible to heavy metal and salt toxicities among other things.  Once Silica is incorporated into a cell of a plant it is immobile and cannot be redistributed around the plant. Silica also assists in the uptake of nitrogen, potassium, zinc, magnesium and other elements.

Calcium silicates have emerged as the most important sources for soil applications of silica which is used in crops to strengthen stalk against lodging, diseases and insect attack. Soils are made up of silica compounds, but heavy cropping has reduced the silica available to crops in many areas. In sugarcane and rice growing areas, the draw down is so great that dramatic and noticeable increases in production have occurred when calcium silicates are applied. Increased yields with berry crops after the addition of silica to the soil, have been observed during studies including  blueberries and strawberries.
CaO 42%
Silica 20%
CaCO3 20%
MgO 6%
NV 12%


      • Reduce potassium leaching;
      • Improves plant stress tolerance with the addition calcium in this product;
      • Maintain phosphorous in plant available form;
      • Reduce the lockup of phosphorous by aluminium, iron and calcium

Note: Silica solubility – TBC % – ability for monosilicic acid to go into solution. The percentage of the plant available silicon in our product was tested using a water solubility / cationic resin test [Kato and Owa (1997) and Furukawa and Tomita (2002)].