Calculating landed cost of gypsum

April 23rd, 2009|

To obtain the total cost of supply and application of gypsum per tonne of pure CaSO4.2H2O, the following information is required: A. the landed cost at the farm gate of gypsum per tonne (gypsum + freight); B. the cost of spreading or mixing in irrigation water per tonne of gypsum; C. the purity, as percentage

Choosing which gypsum to buy

April 22nd, 2009|

In deciding which gypsum to buy, the main points to consider are: the total cost of supply and application of gypsum, expressed on the basis of pure CaSO4.2H20 (Regyp - 90%+ pure), how quickly the gypsum dissolves in water (Regyp - up to four faster), how easily and evenly it spreads (Regyp - up to 30%

Testing soils for gypsum response

April 21st, 2009|

There are three main ways in which soils can be tested for likely gypsum response. These are: 1. On-farm tests, these are the quickest but least reliable means of assessing likely gspsum response. The simplest test is to drop about eight small (3-5 mm diameter) air-dry aggregates of soil into a container of rainwater or

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