Aerial top dressing with Super Ag Gypsum

December 12th, 2009|

Regyp Super Ag Gypsum is more suitable to aerial top dressing due to the material handling properties, spreadability (similar to prilled products) and the increased solubility. In general aerial top-dressing contractors, to tend to use coarser gypsum material to overcome material handling issues and also to deliver the recommended quantities more quickly. The influence of

Effect of gypsum on topsoils

October 14th, 2009|

Gypsum improves the soil structure of hardsetting or crusting sodic clay topsoils, not only by reducing swelling, but also preventing clay dispersion. Sodic topsoil (0-10cm) usually has very poor structure – it is waterlogged when wet and too hard when dry. Sodic soil has too much sodium linking clay particles and not enough calcium. Sodic

Improving soil structure with gypsum

October 14th, 2009|

Gypsum works on improving spoil structure in two ways. Both depend upon the gypsum being dissolved by rain or irrigation water and entering the soil solution. The first is called the electrolyte effect which is based on the fact that swelling and clay dispersion of sodic clay soils decrease as the salinity of water

Sodic Soils

October 14th, 2009|

Sodicity should not he confused with salinity. Salinity refers to the total amount of salts dissolved in the water in soil, whereas sodicity refers to the exchangeable sodium cations bound to clay particles. Salinity can be reduced by leaching (draining rainwater or non-saline irrigation water through the soil but leaching has little effect on sodicity.

Predicting soil response to gypsum

September 19th, 2009|

Soils that are most likely to show economic responses to gypsum application have the following features in the topsoil, subsoil or both: high clay content—greater than 30%. particularly greater than 40%, high sodicity level—ESP greater than 5. particularly greater than 10, low salinity level—electrical conductivity of a 1:5 soil: water suspension (EC I:5) less than

Regyp Canberra ACT

July 1st, 2009|

ReGyp has partnered with Corkhill Bros of Canberra, to offer plasterboard/gyprock waste and recycling services in the ACT. Corkhill Bros will also distribute Super AG Gypsum from their Canberra sites. You have visited the REGYP News Room, for more info please visit the full REGYP website , or call 1300 4 REGYP (73497) or

Gypsum application rates

April 25th, 2009|

Gypsum (calcium sulphate) is a very economical source of both calcium and sulphur. The sulphur in the form of sulphate is readily absorbed by the plant. Application rates will vary according to nutrients already present in the soil and a soil test to check for all nutrient requirements is highly recommended. However, 0.5 to 1

Gypsum application methods

April 24th, 2009|

The three important factors in applying gypsum are method, rate and frequency of application. In considering these factors much depends on whether the agriculture is dryland or irrigated, whether the topsoil or subsoil (or both) is to be treated and the nature and extent of the problem. General Application Methods 1. Irrigation, the most immediately

Determining sulphur application cost

April 24th, 2009|

To calculate the fertiliser application rate required for a particular nutrient application rate, use the formula: ReGyp screened gypsum products contain approximately 17% of sulphur (S). Application Rate x % Sulphur = Sulphur application rate (kg/ha) Sulphur Kg/ha = 1000 kg/ha x 17 = 170 kg/ha ReGyp screened gypsum products contain approximately 17% of sulphur

Testing soils for gypsum response

April 21st, 2009|

There are three main ways in which soils can be tested for likely gypsum response. These are: 1. On-farm tests, these are the quickest but least reliable means of assessing likely gspsum response. The simplest test is to drop about eight small (3-5 mm diameter) air-dry aggregates of soil into a container of rainwater or

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