Predicting soil response to gypsum

September 19th, 2009|

Soils that are most likely to show economic responses to gypsum application have the following features in the topsoil, subsoil or both: high clay content—greater than 30%. particularly greater than 40%, high sodicity level—ESP greater than 5. particularly greater than 10, low salinity level—electrical conductivity of a 1:5 soil: water suspension (EC I:5) less than

Lafarge Plasterboard Matraville

September 12th, 2009|

ReGyp has been contracted by Lafarge Plasterboard Matraville for plasterboard waste services and supply of recycled gypsum for reuse in their manufacturing process. ReGyp's services compliment the site waste and recycling services offered through Pioneer Waste. You have visited the REGYP News Room, for more info please visit the full REGYP website , or

NSW waste levies set to increase

July 13th, 2009|

Sydney landfill levy are rising faster than expected with a jump of $10 on 1 July 2009. A host of new non-metro areas also receive a new charge on the waste they send to landfill. Current landfill levy rates 2009-2010 Sydney metropolitan area: $58.80 per tonne, Extended regulated area: $52.40 per tonne, Regional regulated area:

Dental Plaster Recycling

June 30th, 2009|

Regyp can recycle dental plaster waste from manufacture and discarded otho molds. You have visited the REGYP News Room, for more info please visit the full REGYP website , or call 1300 4 REGYP (73497) or email for more information.

Gypsum application for legumes

June 5th, 2009|

If soil tests indicate low levels of sulphur it may be necessary to apply gypsum. Gypsum contains calcium and sulphur. The sulphur assists nodulation in legumes present in the pasture and animals with the digestion of plant material. Where gypsum is applied soil surface conditions generally have a softening of the soil surface increasing moisture

Testing Sulphur in Gypsum

May 10th, 2009|

To ascertain the sulphur content in gypsum you must: - Dry the sample overnight at <40 degC fan forced oven, - Then crushed and sieved to 0.5mm (including paper if recycled) until all sample passed the sieve. It is then mixed thoroughly. - Purity of gypsum is calculated by dividing Sulphur % by 0.186 (i.e.

Super Ag Gypsum Release

May 1st, 2009|

ReGyp releases its Super AG Gypsum products for use in agriculture and civil projects. Super Ag Gypsum is a high performance pre-digested source of calcium and sulphur suitable for agricultural applications using ground and aerial spread techniques. Visit the website for more information SUPER AG Gypsum you will benefit from: its increased solubility, up

Know your waste responsibilities

April 29th, 2009|

Did you know that both the owner of the waste and the transporter are legally responsible for proving the waste was transported to a lawful place? The owner of the waste and the transporter are each guilty of an offence when waste is transported to a place that cannot lawfully be used as a waste

Know your C&D waste responsibilities

April 29th, 2009|

Did you know that both the owner of the waste and the transporter are legally responsible for proving the waste was transported to a lawful place? The owner of the waste and the transporter are each guilty of an offence when waste is transported to a place that cannot lawfully be used as a waste

Canola crops benefit from gypsum

April 26th, 2009|

Tests have shown that canola removes approximately 10 kg of sulphur from the soil for each tonne of production. Therefore at least that amount of sulphur must be available to the canola plant to achieve maximum production. Gypsum is a very economical source of both calcium and sulphur. The sulphur in the form of sulphate

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